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Hello Heartworking Ladies of Utah! We are so excited to have you here, on our new website! It's designed to function in a similar capa...

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How to Have Your Events Posted

Hello Ladies!
We've had some inquiries about how to get your events (small and large), and any requests for donations put on the blog site.

Here's how you can go about doing so:
On the right side column on every page is a Contact Us feature that requires your name, email, and a message. Please submit your requests to us this way, and be sure to include any links to an event page or Eventbrite page for events requiring tickets. We will be sure to include active links to every event when provided. The more info you can provide, the better. If there is an image/photo on any of the links for your event it will be included in your post on the blog site. All requests and information provided through Contact Us will come directly to our Heartworking email account and we will be notified to update that information. Please allow a few days to have your information/event posted to the site.

Please note that events not submitted through Contact Us and are only posted to the Heartworking Facebook page will not be posted on the blog site. It is difficult to scroll through the Facebook discussion feed every day in search of new events. Something would surely be overlooked. We'd love everyone to have the opportunity to have their event information available to everyone!

In addition, advertising and promotions will not be available on the blog site. Those can still be posted to the group Facebook page. To have your information posted, please have attended our event at least once in the last six months.

Getting updates about new events:
By providing your email, you can subscribe to the blog to receive all updates when new information and events are posted. This feature is also available on the right side column of every page. And be sure to check back regularly!

Have a wonderful day!

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