Featured Post


Hello Heartworking Ladies of Utah! We are so excited to have you here, on our new website! It's designed to function in a similar capa...


Upcoming business and community events

Thursday, October 16th

Vision Board Bootcamp Level 1
6:30 - 8 PM
Hosted by Above and BeYond Mentoring with JoLyn Holladay
Tickets here

Thursday, October 18th

Pay Attention to your Body aka Awakening
9 AM
Hosted by Marci Barker and Jennifer Anderson
Register here 

Monday, October 22nd

Belly Dancing
7:30 - 8:30 PM
The Healing Tree Massage, Bodywork and Doula Services

Tuesday, October 23rd

Emotional Wellness
6 - 7:30 PM
Hosted by My YES Life with Dr. Dee Frayne

Saturday, October 27th

Sisterhood Expo
4 PM
Hosted by Ashlee Miller

Influence the Influencer Summit 2018
9 - 5 PM
Hosted by Rachel Barker
Tickets by Eventbrite here

Friday, November 9th

Open house & ribbon cutting
5 - 7 PM

Tuesday, November 13th

Soroptimist International of Ogden - Chat and Chew
6 - 7:30 PM
Hosted by Mel Miller - Miller Consulting
Tickets by Eventbrite here - Free Event

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