Featured Post


Hello Heartworking Ladies of Utah! We are so excited to have you here, on our new website! It's designed to function in a similar capa...


Small group meet up and mingle opportunities

Coffee Talk
Dates & locations vary - Ogden coffeehouses
Information available upon registration
Hosted by Taunia Terry
Tickets available at Eventbrite here - free event (space is limited)

High Vibe Luncheon
October 16 - 11:30 - 1 PM
Bring a side to share
Hosted by Cindy Montano
Info & ticket on Eventbrite here - free event (space is limited)

Inspiration Potluck Luncheon
October 17 - 11:30 - 1 PM
Lunch & God - bring a side to share
Hosted by Jennifer Anderson
Tickets on Eventbrite here - free event

Brunch Bunch
October 22nd - 10 - 11:30 AM
This is NOT potluck - password heart
Hosted by Marsha Mosher
Tickets on Eventbrite here - free event (space is limited)

Heart-Working Ladies of Utah
October 23rd - 6 - 9 PM
Hosted by Heart-Working
Tickets on Eventbrite here

Soul Food Luncheon
November 15th - 11:30 - 1 PM
Hosted by Living with Wholeness
Bring a side to share
Tickets on Eventbrite here - free event (space is limited)

Eat & Greet
November 14th - 11:30 - 1 PM - Eden, UT
Bring a side to share
Hosted by Shauna Miller
Tickets on Eventbrite here - free event (this event is full)

Eat & Greet
December 10th - 11:30 - 1 PM - Eden, UT
Bring a side to share
Hosted on Shauna Miller
Tickets by Eventbrite here - free event (space is limited)

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